Saturday, June 2, 2007


Whatever you think and dream about, that you can be if you strive for it with hard, continues effort and an indomitable faith in yourself. always remember,that nothing is impossible and all is possible to them that believe in their ability. If you think you will win you will definately and truly win and on the other hand if you have doubts about yourselves and entertain fear that you will lose, you are bound to lose even before you start. therefore, always think positively to win gloriously.
Remember always, that you and you alone are the master of your fate and the decider of your destiny. Never blame others for your failure for you alone are responsible for what you are. you will succeed and gain what you desire if you can back it up with dogged effort and sincere resoluteness.
Patience pays and perseverance always triumphs. Genius, which is so glorified by people is nothing but continues toil coupled with common sense and understanding of the problem. Be up and doing and keep trying and you will win sooner than later.
There might be thousands of people telling you that you cant do it and thousand to warn you of the many pitfalls and dangers that lie ahead but just the same you stick to your aim and get going with your chosen task and soon you will find that you have created a miracle showing the prophets of failure that you have achieved success. people who showed courage and persistance have done things which couldn't be done before.
Doing the impossible may seem like a miracle to many but such miracles are but man's work carried to the end, with true faith and conviction and thus leading to victory. Remember always, that you too can reach to the heights of great people and like them achieve name and fame, accomplish position and status and crown yourselves with glory, if only you think you can, stand up to life and play your part with faith and courage.
Be bold , be strong, dare and do. Doubt not, fear not but press on till you win your coveted goal. As the great swami vivekananda thundered: 'You can do anything and everything.You can move mountains and drain the oceans. faith, faith, faith in ourselves, faith in god, this is the secret of greatness. awake, arise and act.'

Tags: success

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